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Hair, Hair, are you there?

Writer's picture: AlopecianGirlbossAlopecianGirlboss

Wigs, wigs, wigs, the hot topic in the beauty industry. Some wear them for beauty purposes and some wear them due to hair loss. I am here today to talk about the second option, hair loss. I have been wearing wigs since 2016.

Photo: Marjolein Volmer

Is it a mop, is it a beast? No that isn’t it, it is a wig that you see, flying across the street…

(my Dutch/Belgium friends will get this lol)

I am going to be honest, holding my first wig was weird. What was I supposed to do with this thing? How even does it work? Can it not magically end up on my head looking perfect….no? ok then.

I remember going to my friends’ house, telling her I would arrive at like 2 pm. Did I ever think it would take me a whole hour and a YouTube video to put on my wig? No way, I thought that I could easily place the mop looking thing on my head, but who was I kidding? Arriving a good 1.5 hours late at my friends’ house, with a wig that still was not on my head in a correct way, was very annoying.

I swear I could’ve just thrown that thing across the street; I was so frustrated! But as they say, practise makes perfect.

It is easy to say that my first wig did not suit me. The hair was too thick, it was uncomfortable, and I would just rather not wear it to be honest. It is in my drawer at the moment, not seeing any sunlight.

It may take some time to get used to it, because it now feels very normal to me to wear wigs!

You like my hair? Gee thanks just bought it (AG)

People are always shocked when I tell them that I wear wigs. Even when I think it looks incredibly wiggy, people don’t seem to notice.

Almost everyone knows I wear wigs. I switch between being bald and wearing hair and I just take my wigs off whenever I feel like it. I am really open about it and so when somebody compliments my hair, I tell them it is a wig!

I don’t mind switching wigs, as I mostly feel myself in all of them. I have a work wig and a party wig haha. When one wig has a bad hair day, I just put on the other one, however when they both have a bad hair day, I will get really frustrated.

I can understand that people struggle with feeling themselves when they wear a wig, as I had the same problem during the start of my hair loss journey. I never felt like me and I would just rather not wear it.

Over time and due to new hair, the whole wig journey started to belong in my daily routine. I don’t find it weird that I wear wigs anymore, it is normal for me. I cannot imagine what it is like to have hair that you cannot take off.

Hair or no hair?

I may have mentioned this before, but I decide whether to wear a wig or not based upon the following things:

· The weather

· How I feel

· My outfit

The weather is an important “do I wear my wig?” indicator. My wig is in a hibernation, but then in the summer instead of the winter. I cannot cope with heat very well and a wig only makes it worse, so that is why I have decided to not wear a wig in the summer. Is it difficult sometimes? Yes, it is. Sometimes I feel very ugly without my wig and then I am kind of “forced” to not wear it. But after the whole day, it makes me realise I am good without my hair.

Sometimes I just don’t feel like going out bald. I then feel more vulnerable than usual, uncomfortable really. It sometimes happens that, that feeling comes out of nowhere, but it is also possible that it is a certain event that is coming up. During the finals of the dit is mbo competition, I felt really insecure and vulnerable without my wig. I really wanted to wear it, but I had promised myself to not wear one throughout the whole competition.

Furthermore, when all of my friends look stunning (as they always do) with their hair, it can make me feel uncomfortable. Sometimes I feel like I am not good enough or beautiful enough in comparison to them. It may seem like I am always okay with being bald, but I am not. I have bad days too, it is normal. I am proud of my bald head, but it is still a thing that can make me feel uncomfortable.

My outfit is a dealbreaker as well, some outfits just scream HAIR and other outfits just scream BALD lol. I sometimes feel more dressed up with my hair, I think that is an important factor.

It is a search to see when I feel comfortable and when I don’t. Sometimes I just have to push myself through the uncomfortable moments.

So, is it weird to sometimes be bald (publicly) and sometimes wear hair? For me personally it is not, because in both versions I am me. My environment is used to it and I often switch between bald and wigs when I am with them. I never had negative responses with regards to switching between both looks from my environment. It also feels very natural to me. It is like taking off or putting on a jacket for example.

I don't mind it when Anne comes with her hair on or off. I don't think it makes her different. I also don't think it is weird at all that she wears wigs sometimes and sometimes she chooses to go bald. - Jessie (friend)

Don’t fly away, thank you very much

How do I feel with regards of being afraid my wigs fly off my head or fall off? I don’t worry about it too much. I think I really worried about it once, which was when I was in a roller coaster.

I don’t do anything to ensure it is stuck on my head, with the exception of the roller coaster of course. There is a silicone strip on the inside of my wig (search for the Ellen Wille wig review), which causes it to stay on my head very well. I was on the back of a motor scooter, did not do anything to secure it and there was quite a lot of wind and the wig did not move. I find it important that I can take off my wig whenever I want, so I don’t like to glue it down or to stick it down with tape. However, when I went on the roller coaster, I did tape it down! It stayed on very well.

So, as it stays on so well, I am never afraid that it will fall off or anything. If you are, maybe think of the following things:

· A wig grip

· Tape

· Glue

· A scarf/headband

Wigs are a part of me. Wigs make me feel like myself, just like being bald does. I am very fortunate to be able to have good wigs that make me feel like myself. It was not always like that, it grew on me. I cannot imagine my life without them now . They help me when I don't feel like myself and they stand on the sideline ready to have my back when I don't need them at that moment.


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